Department personal list and their major details appear here. Details like name, designation, contact details, activities of personal are displayed in tabular form. Division wise multiple tables are displayed with search option.
Who’s Who
Filter Who's Who divisions wise
Profile Picture | Name | Designation | Phone | Fax | Room No | Address | Activity | |
Minister Name | Hon'ble Minister Of Information and Technology & Law and Justice | s3waas[dot]support[at]gov[dot]in | +91-11-24369191 | +91-11-24366070 | abc01 | New Delhi | ||
Minister Name 3 | Senior Secretary | example[dot]123[at]gmail[dot]com | 9999999999 | 897878946654 | 130 | Room No. 130 ,5th Floor, State New Secretariat, Sector-1, City Name, State Name- Pincode | New Delhi, |
Profile Picture | Name | Designation | Phone | Fax | Room No | Address | Activity | |
Minister Name 2 | Head of the Department | xxx[at]example[dot]com | 08888888888 | +919999999999 | abc01 | Room No. abc 01, 5th Floor, Old Secretariat, City Name, State Name- Pincode |